Re: Process Migration on Linux - Impossible?

Victor Yodaiken (
Fri, 3 Oct 1997 00:00:16 -0600

On Thu, Oct 02, 1997 at 11:31:31AM -0300, Fabio Olive Leite wrote:
> Heh, so we're not talking 'bout Linux, but "JavaLinux with a worldwide
> directory service and great big security". Then we would only have mobile
> agents flowing around the Net, and nobody would come up with the idea of
> using iopl & friends to get tight control of hardware.

Not necessarily. Adding "network process types" to
Linux seems at least as practical as adding process migration.
You could, I guess, stuff Java into it, but I don't see the

Victor Yodaiken
Department of Computer Science
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Socorro NM 87801
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