Re: Process Migration on Linux - Impossible?

linux kernel account (
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 18:58:09 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, Victor Yodaiken wrote:

> I think fault tolerance is a wonderful thing. But process migration seems
> to me to be like virtual memory file systems, a clever idea with no
> clear applications.

Throught history there has been many many Neat ideas with No clear
Applications.. With some things you must, 'built it and they will come'..
This sort of thing will increase the kernel tar.gz by a couple of k.. So
it's no big deal, maby then someone will find some incredable apps for
it.. Maby not, but at least it has a mega coolness factor..

I think the question is not 'should it be done or not' it is 'how should
it be done best'. It will be done, there isn't a question about that. And
it will have uses.. I've got about 50 486/100s that can attest to that...
How can it best be done so that it has a possibility of making it into the
mainstream kernel, where some REAL apps for it can be found.