Re: Linux (free s/w) support

Jim Nance (
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 09:01:35 -0400

On Tue, Sep 30, 1997 at 01:43:08PM -0600, Brian wrote:

> Roger, what I meant was to whom who frown upon linux for not having
> phone tech support are stupid.. Don't denouce it just because you can't
> call up and listen to annoying music for 10mins( seems to be with the
> usual M$ tech support help ). Linux rawks, and you may not have a 1-800

But it does: 1-888-LINUX-99.


Jim Nance                                                 Avant! Corporation
(919) 941-6655    Do you have sweet iced tea?
                  No, but theres sugar on the table.