> Pre9 is not working properly. We have several machines running it and
> after an amount of time (a couple of days) all the memory has vanished.
> This is dial-in ppp/web/mail/shell servers whith average 10 simultanious
>From what I've read so far, there seems to be no common network device
among people with this problem. Having multiple systems myself running
pre9 with no apparent memory leak problem (IRC, mail/www/shell(SMP), news,
multi-ether router, kernel compile and test box(SMP)) all with uptimes of
1-2 weeks, I have to wonder what the deal is.
Have the people seeing the leak patched up to pre9 or did you use the big
pre9 tar.gz Linus uploaded? I've been using pre9 from the big tar. Are
you all running with at least one IDE disk? My systems have SCSI only
(some NCR-810, some Buslogic 946, some 948).
Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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