2.0.31-pre9 runs into trouble with 'badblocks'

Truxton Fulton (trux@truxton.com)
Mon, 22 Sep 1997 01:43:16 -0700 (PDT)

Under 2.0.31-pre9, running "badblocks" causes errors :
Sep 22 00:50:09 sugar kernel: Trying to free nonexistent swap-page

the offending command :
badblocks -o hdc1.badblocks -v -w /dev/hdc1 5126593

/dev/hcd1 is a 5Gb EIDE drive.

My system:
Linux 2.0.31-pre9
with raid145 patch
with swap-cache patch
with ext2-bad-block-fix patch

Pentium 200Mhz, 96 MB ram
Motherboard with builtin AHA 2940 SCSI controller

Does anyone know why this would happen? Thanks,
