Re: unannounced p10.gz fixes lockups

Christopher E. Brown (cbrown@Alaska.NET)
Sun, 21 Sep 1997 21:22:49 -0800 (AKDT)

On Sun, 21 Sep 1997, Simon Karpen wrote:

> in the testing directory on there's a p10.gz
> that applies cleanly to pre-2.0.31-9
> it fixes the instability and complete lockup that would happen
> when running 5-10 copies of bonnie at once. i've been stress
> testing it for a couple days and have yet to kill it.

Would this complete lockup take the effect of a dead halt, no
error messages, kb dead (num/caps lock lights won't change)? I have been
getting complete lockups under pre-9 like this.

Christopher E. Brown (CB421) <> +(907) 357-5680

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