Re: OFFTOPIC: Regarding NT vs Linux

Jean-Claude (
Fri, 19 Sep 1997 22:01:56 +0200 (MET DST)

Le 19-Sep-97 Cort Dougan a écrit:
>NT is discontinued for the powerpc, and Linux is quite alive on

Very good news, indeed.

>}Guys talk about NT supporting SMP on upto 4 processors and
>}version upto 8 processors. What is Linux's limit of SMP, if
>any? NT runs
>}on Intel, MIPS, Alpha and PowerPC. Linux runs on Intel, Alpha
>and Sparc.

Sorry, NT support is redicing as "peau de chagrin". As NT bugs
spread around, and non really portable code, it's very difficult
to maintain.

>There's quite a nice set of libraries that give user programs a
>interface to what they think is a unix system under NT. From
>what I've
>heard gcc, emacs, xv and several other common applications work
>under it.

Tried those. None is quite satisfactory. It's pseudo-POSIX, in
the same way as NT is pseudo-real-multitask.

Maybe this sounds anti-$sostf. It's not, as I developp with NT
as well as Linux. NT kernel sounds as a bunch of patches sticked
together to me.
There is no real logic there.

About SMP support, I could try an Apricot 4 Pentieum Pro Server.
Runs pretty well under Linux 2.1.54


Jean-Claude Richard                        email:
Mandala Conseil                           
29 Rue Lambert
F75018 - Paris - France