> Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 08:56:42 +0000
> From: Xiong Shao Jun <xsj@cmbchina.com>
> To: linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu
> Subject: Commercial X.25 and ISDN card support
> Hi, Linux folks. I have a question, what commercial X.25 and ISDN card
> is supported on Linux. I have EICON card, which support X.25, ISDN and
> Frame Relay, but I can't find driver code in Linux kernel source tree.
> So, would you please tell me the supported card?
Good day, sir and linux-kernel.
I work for TouchNet Canada, Inc. We sell a black box solution which
incorporates the Linux 2.0.x kernel and several custom applications. The
applications are designed for purpose of real-time banking and are also
designed to use various methods of communication to bank hosts.
Currently we support three main forms of bank host communications.
Dial-ups using an enhanced version of the Datapac DP3101 protocol over
standard hayes modems, the DP3201 protocol over a single Bell 202T line and a
variation of DP3201 through means of an IVI LAN Controller using a RS-485
LAN. However, some of larger corporate customers have needs that extend well
beyond the bandwith of a single DP3201 or DP3101 circuit.
For these customers, we plan to make use of X.25 trunk lines (DP3000). We
also plan to use EICON cards for the hardware layer in our X.25 circuits. We
have, obviously, recognized the lack of support in the Linux kernel for our
stock of X.25 cards and have thus decided to code such support into the
kernel. The unfortunate part of this situation is that we do not plan to
commence on this development for another month or two.
Perhaps outside intrest and assistance in the development of this driver
would help get the ball rolling a little quicker at TouchNet. The main
concern is the length of time it would take to create the driver. Due to the
amount of time estimated as well as other priorities, we have put the idea on
the back burner and decided to use pools of DP3201 lines in the meantime.
Outside help would certainly aid in announcing a shorter time line and make
the use of EICON cards under Linux a reality for users of the Linux kernel,
including TouchNet.
If you, or anyone on this list, are familiar with the EICON family of X.25
cards, their inner workings and are willing to assist in the development of
the driver, I would be more then honored to work with you on the project.
> Best regards,
> Xiong Shaojun
* * * * T O U C H N E T C A N A D A I N C. * * * *
Chad C Giffin typo@touch.com
Systems Analyst/Programmer Ph. (819) 778-6666 x28
Corporate Systems Administrator Fax (819) 778-0571
http://www.touch.com Pager (613) 593-0485