Re: Two bugs in kernel time code

Philip Gladstone (
Wed, 17 Sep 1997 09:31:57 -0400

Torsten Duwe wrote:
> Ulrich> There's a very old bug in the kernel that rarely occurs (who's
> Ulrich> using NTP?): The code to update the CMOS clock does not consider
> Ulrich> the hour field. I had no clever idea to fix it, so I simply added
> Ulrich> a message to log the problem (well, a part of it).
> Oh, no, please... If you have no clever idea to fix it -- a log message every
> 11 minutes ? This behaviour is _intentional_ -- I have no idea about the time
> zone the RTC is running on, so hours are untouched. No one from a half-hour
> or fifteen-minute time zone has complained yet :-|. A semi-clever approach
> would be to watch warp_time() from outside and add the kernel time zone
> conditionally.

My revolting approach to this is to have a sysconfig variable that gives
the offset of the CMOS clock from UTC. This defaults to 'unknown'. If it
is known, then the CMOS clock is updated with the correct hour (etc)


Philip Gladstone                           +1 617 487 7700
Raptor Systems, Waltham, MA