Strange 2.1.55 lockup

Marko Siladin (
Fri, 12 Sep 1997 00:20:07 -0400 (EDT)

I installed 2.1.55 yesterday night and had it running for about 18
hours. I came back today after work and found my computer virtually
locked up. The only thing I could do was switch between virtual
terminals with ATL-F?. Any other keys gave no response. The computer
was mostly idle during the day. Just running a ppp conection with
almost no trafic on it. I was unable to get any response from the
serial port (to my laptop/terminal) and I was forced to do a hard
reset (CTRL-ALT-DEL did not work). Its a 486/66, 24MB RAM ,
Ultastor 34F SCSI, SCSI HD/CDROM, and IDE HD and a Soundblaster 32 AWE.

Installed software versions:
| gcc| TeX 3.1459 | Netscape Navigator 3.01 | for a listing |
| libc 5.4.33 | LaTeX 2e | Minicom 1.74-FAST | of games type: |
| libm 5.0.8 | elm 24pl25 | GNU Emacs 19.30.1 | games |
| libXm 2.0.0 | tin 1.3 | Midnight Commander 3.1.2 | at the prompt |
| Xfree 3.1.2 | ppp 2.2.0e | | |
| jdk 1.0.1 | ext2fs 1.02 | modutils 2.1.42 | |
| 1.8.5 | ddd <NEW> 2.1.0 | binutils 2.8.1 | |
| libg++27.2.1 | procps 1.2 | sh-utils 1.16 | |

It looked pretty strange - I've been using Linux since 0.99 and haven't
seen something like this. I didn't any activity in the log files that could
indicate a problem.

                              (O) ^ ^ (O)
Marko Siladin                    | | |        VCU, Dept. of Math. Science        \ /        Division of Computer Science