Actually, this points to one of the problems with select...
EINTR does not mean we alarmed...what if other signals are enable
Even playing with signal masks, you have race conditions
(i.e. signals can sneak in between:
The "tried and true" Unix way to solve this problem is: (I thought
this was really clever, I would have never contrived it myself ;-))
make a pipe
have the alarm signal handler write a byte to the pipe
we add the read side of the pipe to our fdmask for select
if we come out of select with this fd ready, we know we alarmed.
Posix 1003.1g has another call which adds a signal mask to select
mask alarm
pselect(??, unmask alarm) (I think its called pselect)
--->>> at this point alarm is still masked.
(I've read this in reviewing Rich Steven's new book,
I don't have the spec in front of me.
-- marty The Feynman problem solving Algorithm 1) Write down the problem 2) Think real hard 3) Write down the answer Murray Gel-mann in the NY Times