Re: ICMP Maquerading in 2.1.x?

Nigel Metheringham (
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 09:56:46 +0100

} said:
} } Are there plans to support ICMP Masquerading in the near future for
} } the development kernel? It is a very spiffy feature!
} Well it should be working unless someone broken it :-)
} However its at the same stage as masq in 2.0.1.

I obviously didn't quite read the original question right.
ICMP masq is not in the 2.1.x series yet - it came rather late in the
2.0.x series and has not been forward ported.

However since there is work in progress which will do this, I suggest
people don't try to forward port the 2.0.x stuff to 2.1.x as it will only
duplicate work (and will be thrown away when the new implementation is put


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[            Friends don't let friends use sendmail!              ]