Re: set speed for Toshiba CDROM drive ?

James Mastros (
Fri, 22 Aug 1997 13:27:10 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Gerd Knorr wrote:
> Basically working here, thanks to that nice document. One of my drives
> even supports this, so I can easy test the new stuff :-) Patch follows
> next days...
> But one question remains: what unit should be used for speed selection?
> /usr/src/linux/Documentation/cdrom/cdrom-standard.tex mentions *nothing*
> (should be fixed). The scsi commands use kbyte/s here (raw, i.e. 176=1x).
> This is IMHO ok and we should use that too.
> Gerd

Why not the Nx speed (that is, 176 kb/sec)? That's more user-frendly.
Note also that cdrom_device_info.speed is in this unit.
Moreover, note "CDC_SELECT_SPEED& can select speed, in units of
$\sim$150\,kB/s\cr" (sorry about the raw tex).

I don't know which, but it seems that units of 176 kb/sec or 150 kb/sec
would be best. BTW - Is it just me, or is there no function to kill the
motor on the CDROM? IMHO, there should also be a behavior flag
CDO_AUTO_MOTOR to kill the motor on device close (if opened for data).

-=- James Mastros