I had some problems to read a OpenBSD ufs filesystem (with kernel 2.0.30 +
ufs.diff.gz from vger).
First problem: ufs screws up fast symlinks when reading a byteswapped
filesystem (i.e. sparc fs on a intel box). Fix below.
Second problem: OpenBSD uses a (new?) directory entry format which is
different from what linux expects to find. From sys/ufs/ufs/dir.h:
struct direct {
u_int32_t d_ino; /* inode number of entry */
u_int16_t d_reclen; /* length of this record */
u_int8_t d_type; /* file type, see below */
u_int8_t d_namlen; /* length of string in d_name */
char d_name[MAXNAMLEN + 1];/* name with length <= From owner-linux-kernel-outgoing@vger.rutgers.edu Thu Aug 21 15:40:47 1997
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Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 22:18:55 +0200 (MET DST)
From: "Michael L. Galbraith" <mikeg@weiden.de>
To: Pete Harlan <harlan@mymenus.com>
cc: Rogier Wolff <R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl>, johnsonm@redhat.com,
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Subject: Re: pre-2.0.31-7 nit picks
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On Thu, 21 Aug 1997, Pete Harlan wrote:
> > Michael, what you didn't check was wether "echo" wrote that first string
> > in one "write" system call, or not. If it does something like
> It's (possibly) worse than just requring quotes; echo does one write
> like this:
> $ strace echo "123 456 789"
> execve("/bin/echo", ["echo", "123 456 789"], [/* 28 vars */]) = 0
> ...
> write(1, "123 456 789\n", 12123 456 789
> but it does it in two writes if you run it like this:
> $ strace bash -c 'echo "123 456 789"'
> execve("/bin/bash", ["bash", "-c", "echo \"123 456 789\""], [/* 28 vars */])
> write(1, "123 456 789", 11123 456 789) = 11
> write(1, "\n", 1
> This is with bash-2.00. Perhaps the 'file format' for the /proc
> entries should be required to end in newlines, and the filesystem
> should read everything up until the terminating newline? I don't like
> the idea of requiring a newline, but it could be less surprising than
> the current behavior.
> --
> Pete Harlan
> pete@mymenus.com
Bash-2.01.0 does..
$ strace bash -c 'echo "123 456 789"' 2>xx
execve("/bin/bash", ["bash", "-c", "echo \"123 456 789\""], [/* 43 vars */]) = 0
write(1, "123 456 789\n", 12123 456 789 ) = 12
I had problems with 2.00.. 2.01.0 works great.