Re: UTF-8, OSTA-UDF [why?], Unicode, and miscellaneous gibberish

H. Peter Anvin (
21 Aug 1997 00:06:32 GMT

Followup to: <>
By author:
In newsgroup:
> (Note that also people using Latin-1 will have this problem:
> after "setfont iso01.f16" the line-drawing characters are gone.)

... *because* the iso01.f16 file doesn't have a Unicode table. So
far, I only saw ISO 8859-1 (lat1u-*.psf) and ISO 8859-4 (lat4*.psf)
having Unicode tables so they can do this correctly.

> It is a pity that development seems to have stopped, so that
> the use is still as inconvenient as it was two years ago.

Indeed. I have an idea that I want to implement, but autofs and the
much delayed magicfilter-1.3 has taken most of my development time


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