> If anyone has some spare time (do such people exist?) it would make a
> nice project for someone to change LILO so that it operated more like
> silo, milo, or aboot. These linux boot loaders for the sparc and alpha
> load a second stage boot loader which can understand the file system,
> thus you don't have to rerun LILO every time you want to boot a new kernel.
I looked at "solo" (not silo), and it even deciphers ELF (though I
suspect at a minimal level). But you still need to store sector
references to find the second stage loader.
And there's not just "the filesystem", there are several. Thus,
either the second stage loader understands all the important ones,
or it has to have sector links to additional modules.
(I'd also like to see a bootmanager style menu, ability to
automatically set the default to the last thing you booted, and
stuffing of key strokes; also, IMHO, linux should do more of the work
and the boot loaders less)