Oh, so it was a PnP kludge :-(
> You are right in that a driver is
> required to initialize AWE32 properly. There is currently just a non-PnP
> AWE32 driver in the kernel and it can't do that.
Yea! That's the answer I was looking for! Thanks! :-)
So is the latest driver on Iwai's site PnP aware?
> Unfortunately the ISA PnP spec is so
> limited that it was not possible to express all requirements of the
> hardware using it.
I never said the specs were flawless! Far from it!
The PnP specs leave too many things optional, and don't even indicate
the proper timings required for device isolation! [There is some
timing info scattered through the documents, but GUESSING is still
required.] Better documentation AND example code (even pseudo-code)
would help a lot. Basically, the PnP specs are the worst docs
I've ever seen for such an important standard :-(
Then there are the cards that don't come close to conforming, and
require specific hacks :-(
Don't even get me started on the PnP-Serial spec, which is quite
possibly the stupidest PnP spec of them all.
-- Andrew E. Mileski mailto:aem@netcom.ca