Re: pre-2.0.31-7 bug ne.c

Eloy A. Paris (
19 Aug 1997 13:14:05 GMT

John Henders <6ar$9ro$> wrote:

: In pre-2.0.31-7, there is a new pci vendor id referenced in ne.c,
: This is not defined anywhere so compilation breaks. As I don't have a
: pci ne2000 clone, I commented it out. I'm guessing it's probably defined
: in the 2.1.XX headers.

I heard Alax Cox saying that he forgot to include a new version of
pci.h when he sent the patch to Linus. This should be fixed in pre-8
or the final 2.0.31.



Eloy A. Paris Information Technology Department Rockwell Automation de Venezuela Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9430323