Re: IPIP Tunnelling.

A.N.Kuznetsov (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 19:11:11 +0400 (MSD)


> Hmmm. Setting the ttl to the same as in the encapsulated packet kills
> traceroute a bit.

Right. Otherwise it will kill you :-) :-)

> Why can't we just refuse to IP-encapsulate any packets which
> are already IP-encapsulated?

IPIP-in-IPIP is valid sometimes.

> Slightly more reasonably, we could have the tunnel driver go through the IPIP
> headers one by one until it reaches the real IP packet in the middle, and
> refuse to package it if it has ever been sent out by this tunnel device.

It is good option, some routers really do it.
Unfortunately, it is very expenisive but still not 100% reliable solution --
do not forget about fragmentation.

Alexey Kuznetsov.