Re: VAX Port

Erik Elmgren (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 09:37:04 +0200

Karl Majer wrote:
> I realize this comes up about every six months or so, but I must ask. Is
> there a site on the net somewhere about the progress on the VAX version of
> linux. Before you say that it isnt being done, I was on the site 2 days ago,

A quick search and i find:
the Linux Vax Homepage. Hope this is what you were looking for.

> but was at work, on a win95 machine, and since that I was running netscape
> on micro$oft, the browser promptly crashed before I could bookmark it <sigh>.

Happens to me too. But hey win-looze is only a fancy toy and sometimes a
buggy game console ;)


When your computer crashes you learn from it, the more amazing the crash the more you learn. My computer crashes all the time in the _most_spectacular_ way, how much I must know.