Re: awe32

Manuel J. Galan (
Wed, 13 Aug 1997 21:13:17 +0100 (WET DST)

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On 13 Aug, root wrote:
> Hi all. I have a AWE 32 that's giving me sh^H^H trouble. At startup it says:
> AWE32 not found
> AWE32: not detected
> my awe is plug&pRay, has normal 512k ram and has no special jumpers. The rest of the sound it should generate it does. I have a triton mother##$@%$board with a 166MHz & 32mb ram. I have tried it under slackware & redhat with 0-diff resultts. please help: my emails are &!adolf. I have tried several different kernels from 2.1.13 up which do the same thing and I have had no success. bye!

Go & visit

Manuel J. Galan

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