Re: patch for fs/dcache race

Matthias Urlichs (
13 Aug 1997 00:44:41 +0200 (Colin Plumb) writes:
> Thank you all for keeping things fun.

> First, what if a directory is deleted, not the file.
> /foo/bar/baz, and /foo/bar got deleted?
You can't delete a directory with files in it. Thus, either the file still
is hardlinked to somewhere else (uh, I'm not running 2.1.xx yet, so tell us
unenlightened people what happens..?) or both are gone (so who cares?).

> /foo//bar//baz
> Means that "bar" and "baz" are deleted, but not "foo".
> Compare with /foo/bar//baz, where nothing has happened to the
> parent directory.
I like that idea.

Matthias Urlichs
noris network GmbH