Re: bind sucks?

Philip Gladstone (
Tue, 12 Aug 1997 15:17:26 -0400

Michael K. Johnson wrote:
> Mirroring a lot of mostly small files; probably thousands, on a
> local network. After several minutes of mirroring an I don't know
> how many connections, I'm getting error messages from mirror on some,
> but not all, files. The ftp daemon's complaint is:
> 425 Can't build data connection: Cannot assign requested address.

There is another problem which could cause this -- which is
running out of local port numbers. In all 2.0.x linux, there
are only 4k local ports, and once they are all in TIME_WAIT
you are doomed. I have a patch -- which I guess I ought to put
together, which fixes that problem as well. [By increasing
the number of local port numbers to approx 32k. This is not
a long term solution to the problem, which needs better handling
of TIME_WAIT sockets.]


Philip Gladstone                           +1 617 487 7700
Raptor Systems, Waltham, MA