Re: aic7xxx / AHA2940 worries... anyone?

Edward Welbon (
Sat, 9 Aug 1997 21:29:58 -0500 (CDT)

On Sun, 10 Aug 1997, Tuomas Heino wrote:

> I'm currently using 2.1.41... over 9½ hour uptime seems to be impossible :(
> * $Id: aic7xxx.c,v 4.0 1996/10/13 08:23:42 deang Exp $

> So can anyone recommend something? (besides changing scsi cables?)

I would switch to any of 2.1.29 or 2.1.48. 2.1.29 was very stable for me
with adaptec AHA2940UW. 2.1.48 is pretty solid with AHA2940UW but I can
crash it with a sufficient number of serial executions of Bonnie on a 1GB
or larger file.

I think that there is a reliability problem either in the driver or
adapter for 2940UW. I have been having failures ever since 2.1.29 (though
not quite as bad as yours) that seem to have gone away when using the
BusLogic BT-958 and the Asus PCI-SC875. With those two cards, I can run
Bonnie on 2GB files all day long (I have been doing just that today) with
no problems.

I would rather use the adaptec AHA2940UW since in my system it is the
fastest of the three but the added speed is not worth the worry of a crash
(though in truth I have to pound on my disks really hard to cause a

Ed Welbon;;