Re: TI CPU Upgrades

Keith Rohrer (
Fri, 8 Aug 1997 14:11:31 -0500 (CDT)

And lo, Marcus Berglund saith unto me:
> This is probably a question that has come up before, but I wouldn't know,
> anyway:
> TI put out a series of CPU's that would bring various CPU's up a level or
> two, eg. 286 to 386/486 or 386 to 486/586
> The question: If linux supports the hardware for my 286, will the 386/486
> upgrade work? or are there larger problems?
The CPU's I remember from TI, they fabbed for Cyrix, so all concerns
relative to the Cyrix 486DLC will apply...

...which basically means grab yourself the cyrix patch if you want to
try enabling certain optimizing features, otherwise don't bother (I
