Re: m88k

Systemkennung Linux (
Fri, 8 Aug 1997 14:22:28 +0200 (MET DST)

> 2. Regarding cross-compiling, DG may have shipped gcc with DG-UX,
> but it's only version 2.5.8. According to the guys at DG RTP,
> they have no intentions of this changing. (GNU C++ is yet
> another matter. Forget about debugging info...) For compiling
> the Linux kernel, 2.5.8 just isn't going to cut the mustard.
> 3. The quicker everyone forgets that DG ever got involved with
> Unix the better.

DG/UX (aka InsaneIX, VOMIT/os, broke/IX ...), the only UNIX with that
big memory holes that 300mb swap aren't sufficient to build GCC. Bin-
utils for 88k is yet another topic ...
