RE: Linux-2.1.45 - the Weasel is back / insmodding some modules...

Russell Coker - mailing lists account (
Fri, 18 Jul 97 17:39:07 +1100

>The other thing, which is more bad to me:

>doing an "depmod -a" leads to:

>/lib/modules/2.1.45/misc/msdos.o: unresolved symbol(s)
>/lib/modules/2.1.45/misc/minix.o: unresolved symbol(s)
>/lib/modules/2.1.45/misc/isofs.o: unresolved symbol(s)
>/lib/modules/2.1.45/misc/fat.o: unresolved symbol(s)

>Therefore I cannot use msdos/minix/isofs(CDROM) and fat filesystems.....

Put the following 3 lines in kernel/ksyms.c and your modules should be
able to resolve all symbols. When I fixed this on my system I didn't put
them in ksyms.c so I can't personally verify that this works, but it's in
another patch that was posted here so it should work.


That patch made iso9660 work well for me (I haven't tested it
strenuously, but nothing's gone wrong with it yet). Minix gave a number of
errors including returning the fron fs_type (causing df to not work), and
then causing any process which tried to access/umount the file system to
The klogd output indicates that there was a negative d_count and kernel
NULL pointer de-references. I haven't done any work on tracking these
oops's down because I can't get ksymoops to compile (header file problems).

I haven't tested fat or ncpfs.

Russell Coker