Re: Time for a pre-patch-2.0.31-3?

Matthias Urlichs (
2 Jul 1997 06:56:11 +0200

In dist.linux.kernel, article <>,
"Dr. Werner Fink" <> writes:
> But what's about big news and mails servers (Hallo Matthias) and other
> machines with other hardware and configurations ... who knows.

My current "all machines are suddenly slow liek molasses, only worse"
test case currently occurs nightly at 2 AM.
That's when the network backup starts.

I'll test your patch tonight... assuming I find one of those round tuits I
keep misplacing among all the other cruft in my TODO heap. :-(

Deduce - de lowest card in de deck.
Matthias Urlichs         \  noris network GmbH  /  Xlink-POP Nürnberg 
Schleiermacherstraße 12   \   Linux+Internet   /   EMail:
90491 Nürnberg (Germany)   \    Consulting+Programming+Networking+etc'ing
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