Bus Mastering DMA w/Triton motherboards and Acer BIOS

AndroSyn (androsyn@geocities.com)
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 23:07:42 -0400 (EDT)

Hello there,

I have a Acer Acros system with linux 2.1.43 and a Intel Triton
chipset. Also in this system is the stock Acer BIOS. My question
is, is it possible to enable bus mastering dma on these boards,
even though the BIOS setup has no way to enable bus mastering??

Heres the message I get whilst booting:

PIIX: bus-master DMA feature is not enabled (BIOS)
ide0 master/slave: sample_CLKs=3, recovery_CLKs=3
master: fastDMA=yes PreFetch=on IORDY=on fastPIO=on
slave : fastDMA=no PreFetch=off IORDY=off fastPIO=off

