Re: All these memory problems..

Jakub Jelinek (
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 22:15:17 +0200 (MET DST)

> I might as well ask - are these memory problems supposed to be in 2.1.42?
> I've been badblocking disks and running make -kj 16 a kernel at the same
> time, and I've not quite seen what problems everyone has been talking
> about. I have a buffer patch, and the one line page_aging patch, but even
> before that, I never noticed any problems. mem=40M, I'll go try it with
> mem=4M eventually..

Yes, I see this problem with e.g. 2.1.42 on sparc with 48M of memory and
10G of disks... Either fsck, or mke2fs, or e.g. two tars in a pipe of about
5G data always freeze the machine...
2.0.30 with some buffer fixes works well there.

Jakub Jelinek | |
Administrator of SunSITE Czech Republic, MFF, Charles University
Ultralinux - first 64bit OS to take full power from the UltraSparc
Linux version 2.0.30 on a sparc machine (291.64 BogoMips).