Have your appendix removed?

Andrew E. Mileski (aem@netcom.ca)
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 16:33:40 -0400 (EDT)

I seem to recall mention of one of the Intel CPU manuals having an
appendix removed. I forget the details (PPro Appendix C?).

I have copies of the first PDF manuals Intel had available for download,
as I'm the one who got Intel to kindly make them available :-) My PPro
manuals have Appendix C, and otherwise seem complete. I didn't look at
my Pentium manuals (I'm pretty sure they don't have Appendix C), or
the latest manuals available on Intel's site.

If I have something special(?), I invite anyone wanting to put my copies
on the net (about 4 MB/book) to contact me directly. I'm not under NDA,
and this material was publically available (I downloaded it) without
distribution restrictions.

In case I'm clueless on this topic (likely), please clue me in.

Andrew E. Mileski   mailto:aem@netcom.ca