Re: Kernel-Messages translation

Tall cool one (
Thu, 19 Jun 1997 15:34:37 -0500

Klogd already does some translation of kernel GPF's to include symbol
information yes? If you want language independance with kernel messages you
can send back to the maintainers, simply make a klogd that translates the
kernel messages to the language you want. No messing with the kernel, no
need for those who speak english to deal with it, more easily upgraded, etc,
etc, etc...

- Steve

.--------------------------------------------------. # * # # # # # #
| Steve Baker | Barely Working | # ## # # # # #
| | System Administrator | # # # # # # # #
| Red-Hat Rulz! | Will work for hardware | # # # ## # # # #
`--- SYS-ADMIN FOR HIRE, HAVE UNIX, WILL TRAVEL ---' #### # # # ## # #