unusual cpu usage

Andrej Presern (andrejp@luz.fe.uni-lj.si)
Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:14:05 +0200

My system is showing some weird cpu usage here.
Here are the stats:

Information for Soda
Load: 0.53 0.54 0.54
CPU: 7.7%U 5.7%S 86.6%I
Mem: 61456K Swap: 0K
Logins: 2 Real: 2
XLogins: 5 Real: 1
Xaccel 3.8% R root
wish 2.6% S andrejp
top 2.5% S andrejp
hifs 2.2% R root
netscape 1.6% S andrejp
afterste 0.3% S andrejp
xterm 0.1% S root
xterm 0.1% S root
xterm 0.1% S root
Pager 0.1% S andrejp
irc 0.0% S andrejp

It's been this way as far as xload is able to show it -
minimal current load yet the graph is at 0.5-0.6 all the
time, no cpu intensive tasks running. The machine is a
2.0.30 on a Cyrix166+.

Is there a known problem with cpu usage being high for
no reason?
