Re: TCP Error on heavily loaded news server

Jon Lewis (
Fri, 13 Jun 1997 21:09:13 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, Mark Menard wrote:

> Has anyone out there ever seen a heavily loaded server throw the following
> error:
> send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time
> I looked at tcp_timer.c, but I'm not all that conversant with kernel code.
> Would someone care to coach a little on this. What really happened? Should
> I loose sleep on this one?

Plenty of times on multiple servers with various 2.0.x kernels. I'd have
to dig through logs to find versions running at the time of each of these,
but I can say that its still happening with pre-2.0.31-1. I don't have -2
running anywhere yet. I know some of these were with as old as 2.0.4.

yoda is a mail/shell server for nearly 2000 users, obi-wan is our news
server, irc is an irc server on a small irc net and a mail exploder.

May 15 16:34:39 yoda kernel: send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time
Sep 28 07:55:30 yoda kernel: send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time
Nov 19 21:59:22 yoda kernel: send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time

Mar 15 19:43:57 irc kernel: send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time
Aug 2 20:46:17 irc kernel: send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time
Aug 5 07:40:15 irc kernel: send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time
Oct 27 18:14:59 irc kernel: send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time

Jan 15 14:05:39 obi-wan kernel: send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time
Jan 22 22:01:27 obi-wan kernel: send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time
Jul 16 19:16:32 obi-wan kernel: send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time
Oct 10 21:22:44 obi-wan kernel: send_head NULL in tcp_retransmit_time

Jon Lewis <> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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