Re: Problems with pre-3.0.31-2

Tore Olsen (
07 Jun 1997 17:37:25 +0200

Henner Eisen <> writes:

> Hi,

Hi again.

> > Aiee: scheduling in interrupt 00123f75.
> >
> > I suspect it is a problem with the HiSax driver, but I'm not sure.
> > I'm going back to 2.0.27 without ISDN for now.
> I think that the message above is not directly caused by hisax because
> the address 00123f75 doesn't seem to belong to a module.

> In order to locate the problem you have to look up the address in your
> file (use the file which is left in your
> pre-2.0.31-2 source directory after compilation).
> Then locate the largest hex number in the file which is
> smaller than that address 00123f75. The same line will contain the name
> of the evil function.

Ok. In the, I find this:
00123e98 T reset_dquot_ptrs
00123ef8 T __wait_on_buffer
00123fb0 t sync_buffers
00124150 T sync_dev
So is __wait_on_buffer to blame? It seems strange that the bug should
trigger at the moment someone logged on via ISDN...

Cc'ed to the kernel-list as well.


Tore Olsen <> drift@colargol, TIHLDE, IDB HiST

Surprise, fear, and a ruthless dedication to the Gnu!