Re: Volume management on Linux with the ext2fs.

Todd Graham Lewis (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 14:44:50 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 23 Apr 1997, Jauder Ho wrote:

> convince veritas to port their stuff....

Veritas is rapidly being left behind. SGI's XFS has significant
advantages, and the design of the entire NetApp system leaves it (and
everything else) panting in its dust. C.f. the respective Usenix papers
for each system.

Plus, it's overpriced. Plus, they wouldn't port, especially considering
that Miguel et aliarum(*) raid-{0,1,4,5} stuff is close to reimplementing
the majority of their toys for free.

Todd Graham Lewis MindSpring Enterprises

(*) - is 'alia' first or third declension? If third, then aliorum.