Kernel 2.0.30 tcp-pauses
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 13:18:14 +0300 (EET DST)

It seems to me that after installing kernel 2.0.30 (I used to have 2.0.8),
I have been frequently experiencing pauses in tcp/ip-streams. Not only in
ssh, but also in interactive ftp-usage. It seems to me that the pauses
stay away if there is a little traffic going on via the stream. However,
it is a bit annoying to notice that if you do nothing for a minute and
then come back, you have to wait for up to 10 seconds before your text
goes through! I have also timed out one local ftp connection..

Continuous streams have no problems.

(..I've also learned a habit to move the cursor around in editors and
viewers so I wouldn't have to wait. It works.)

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