[Off topic] Re: [Crypto] Re: ftp.kernel.org vs. ftp.funet.fi

Andrew G. Morgan (morgan@parc.power.net)
Sun, 20 Apr 1997 12:20:08 -0700 (PDT)

David Schwartz wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Apr 1997 shendrix@escape.widomaker.com wrote:
> > Doesn't that mean that almost any IPC is illegal then, since most of it
> > would allow easy plug-in of crypto? I mean, PGP is easily plugged in
> > via pipes to most mailers, so aren't pipes illegal by that definition?
> Don't every try to argue common sense when law is concerned.
> You'll lose every time.

Invoking crypto code is something the kernel does every time a user runs
PGP -- there is simply no way to police this level of abstraction.

Let's stop this thread.



               Linux-PAM, libpwdb, Orange-Linux and Linux-GSS
       [ For those that prefer FTP  ---  ftp://ftp.lalug.org/morgan ]