If '-EVERYONE-' in the continental USA were to -USE- crypto &
to export it . What the hell could MR. alcohol,tabacco & firearms
do about ?
Come over & knock on '-EVERYONE-'s door and hall '-EVERYONE-' off
to jail....... ?
Think about it. ;-)
On Fri, 18 Apr 1997, Joshua E. Hill wrote:
> James Mastros said:
> > Libc is
> > not covered by ITAR, and I don't think it is covered by EAR, since it uses a
> > 64 bit key, which is legal for export.
> hmmm... Granted, I don't know to what portion of libc you refer, but I
> can say that 64 bit symmetric key algorithms are _not_ exportable. The
> US government only recently said that 56 bit key algorithms could be
> exported, and that was only if the company agreed to develop and market
> "key recovery" (GAK) solutions which would have to be done within 2 years.
> The government issues a temporary export license, and reviews your progress
> toward the "key recovery" every few months. If they decide that you haven't
> made enough progress, they will _revoke_ your temporary license. At the end
> of the two year period, you _must_ stop selling your non-GAKed version
> internationally, and sell only the GAKed enhanced version. None of these
> regulations affect the legality of crypto _within_ the US, however.
> If a company already has appropriate key recovery techniques installed,
> it can market any key size that they wish.
> Purely from a crypto regulation standpoint, we were better off when
> Linus was in Finland. If we ever do get strong crypto in the kernel,
> Linus won't be able to manage the kernel anymore... (or he won't be able
> to export it, or he will be a felon). As this is the case, I doubt that
> real crypto will be in the official distribution of the kernel anytime in
> the near future.
> Josh
> -----------------------------Joshua E. Hill-----------------------------
> | "You can bring any calculator you like to the midterm, as long as it |
> | doesn't dim the lights when you turn it on." |
> | -- Hepler, Systems Design 182 |
> -------jehill@<gauss.elee|galaxy.csc|w6bhz|tuba.aix>.calpoly.edu--------
Hth, JimL
| James W. Laferriere - Network Engineer - babydr@nwrain.net |
| System Techniques - 25416 - 22nd S. - Kent, WA 98032 |
| Give me VMS -or- Give me Linux -but- only on AXP |
|-> Linux-Vax Port, Still in Progress . IE: No Progress To Report ;-) <-|