
Rauli Ruohonen (
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 23:58:00 +0300 (EET DST)

Ok, many people misunderstood my question..

Yes, I know that simple main() { for(;;); } will suck CPU, but
the problem is that setleds is doing some syscalls that take a lot of time
-> scheduling becomes _VERY_ choppy.

Well, I found the solution: the machine I was using when this
setled-thingy sucked up all cpu was running 2.0.29 kernel, and this bug
was fixed in 2.0.30. It seems to be the scheduling problem where you
fork() a child, do something, exit before timeslice is used, fork again..

It is still a little choppier than other processes, but this happens with
any process doing console IO, such as "cat /dev/full".