uptime on older 1.3 kernel

B. James Phillippe (bryan@Terran.ORG)
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 15:19:56 -0800 (PST)

Greetings, friends.

I hope this doesn't violate our subject code here; I thought some
of you all might take interest in this tid bit though. It's a repost from
a good friend of mine about a Linux system he manages for a
Macintosh/networking oriented business (no oxymoron intended! :)

I don't want to start an uptime thread here: please direct any replies to
me personally. Thanks, and enjoy. =]


Our primary DNS server, sometime web server and former mail
and file server for 25 macs. :-)

maceater:~$ uname -a
Linux maceater 1.3.74 #2 Sat Mar 16 15:08:40 GMT-0800 1996 i386
maceater:~$ uptime
2:16pm up 362 days, 20:55, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.01, 0.00



# B. James Phillippe # Network/Sys Admin Terran.ORG #
# <bryan@terran.org> # http://w3.terran.org/~bryan  #
# Finger for PGP key # Linux Convert - circa 1.1.59 #
# Systems Administrator, Seattle Software Labs, Inc #