Re: kernel-update
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 09:00:09 +0200


[]>After a kernel-update, is it safe to remove the complete source-tree of
[]>the previous one?
[]>I usually work with the complete kernel-stuff, not the patches.
[]Not really OK. You can make clean, but a few of the system utils on the net
[]need the .h files from the kernel, for example the new bash 2. You can make
[]clean to save 6-7 megs and then zip the source tree, unzipping if any app needs the include files.
[]Star Destroyer.

That was not really the question. When I had kernel-source 2.0.27 (which was
a complete tree, I recall) I made a symlink from /usr/src/linux-2.0.27 to
/usr/src/linux. Compiled to my needs and run it a few weeks.
Then I installed the complete 2.0.28 tree, re-symlinked and
compiled to my needs. In THAT case, my question is, can the 2.0.27 tree
be removed, as /usr/src/linux now points to /usr/src/linux-2.0.28.

Vriendelijke groeten/Best regards,

Ivo Naninck \|||||/
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