Enclosed below are excerpts from correspondence I had the recent
displeasure of receiving:
> Gentlemen,
> I have been looking into the TCP Stall problem when FTPing
> files between Linux machines via a PPP link. This problem
> also occurs with remotely mounted file-systems. I have
> reported this problem over 10 times during the past two
> years and I have recorded at least 25 other instances in
> which other users have reported the same problem.
> Apparently this problem is not considered important because
> absolutely nothing has been done about it for over two
> years. There have been no experimental patches from Network
> gurus attempting to fix this very real and very troublesome
> problem.
> Instead, I see on the "list" much more important ideas about
> graphical boot-up and other esoterics.
> Will someone please look into this?
Ignoring customers such as this person will NOT be tolerated. Remember:
"Our customers are the reason we are here". Developers who continue to
ignore clients such as this one risk reduced bonuses, suspension of
development privileges and, in extreme cases, termination.