Re: 1.9.1 and glibc 2.0.1

Richard B. Johnson (
Mon, 31 Mar 1997 17:13:22 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 31 Mar 1997, Michael K. Johnson wrote:

> "Richard B. Johnson" writes:
> >It doesn't know what "VISUAL" is. This is not in my environment, and does
> >not appear to have been set in the script. Although I am relatively new
> >at Unix (only 15 of the 20 years it's been around) and I'm learning new
> >things you are "supposed" to do practically every day, what is the
> >"VISUAL" environment to which your script refers?
> VISUAL is mostly an anacronism. If you have EDITOR set to your preferred
> line editor, VISUAL should be set to your preferred full-screen editor.
> I suppose that the ed, ex, and TECO fanatics around here will scream
> because I called their environment anacronistic...
> michaelkjohnson

Well I actually know how to use ed <!!!>. I screamed when MS-DOS removed
edlin, and VAX/VMS no longer supported EDT. --- but I don't "do" windows!

Dick Johnson
Richard B. Johnson
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