Mailing lists <-> news gateway mixup?

28 Mar 1997 23:49:15 GMT

On 28 Mar 1997 10:03:06 -0500, Neal Becker <> wrote:
>About 75% of the stuff being posted to this list has nothing to do
>with linux kernel. Can we please stop using this as a place to ask
>arbitrary sorts of linux question? I understand that sometimes one
>isn't sure if a problem is kernel-related, but we've gone way beyond

Actually I thing that some gateway is coughing somewhere. Is looks like some
lists are mixed up.
I read this on the side and I hardly see any kernel related
messages (I wonder if I'm missing any. I did see the announcement from Linus
about 2.1.30 though), but I mostly get messages that seem to be geared
towards other lists...

Can howewer is taking care of gateways check to see if anything is wrong?


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