Re: Office packages

Bas Mevissen (
Thu, 27 Mar 1997 11:10:45 +0100 (MET)

James Mohr wrote:

: You can find it here: Be prepared to spent a lot of time downloading.
Bet wait a few weeks, then beta3 will be replaced by beta4. The beta3 stops
working at april.

: >happening in the Linux world. First, several weeks ago, Caldera signed
: >an agreement with StarDivision (the developers of StarOffice) to be the
: >sole, world-wide distributors of StarOffice for Linux. I am running the
: >Beta of StarOffice 3.1 for Linux and it is GREAT!! It is as
: >full-featured as anything I can image and the fact that it runs on Linux
: >makes it obviously more stable than M$-Office.
Hmmm. beta3 crashes a lot at my place. I had to keep the beta1 install
program because the ones from the beta3 and beta4 patches didn't work at
all. (maybe there are some tricks; but I didn't look for them)

: >
: Sounds great!
: >for Linux, as well. Even before that, they are completely compatable, so
: >you have the same apps running on Window$ as you do Linux. Plus, the
: >Linux version is *free* for non-commercial uses.
Sure it _STAYS_ free for non-com. use ? now Caldera is in --> pay, pay, pay!

: Where (or when) can I get a copy? (I assume you're talking about
: 3.1 right now - that would be excellent)
: > All three of the packages can talk to their M$ counterparts (except
: the Office 97 versions).
: Just what I was looking for!
: =========================================================================
: Lloyd Sumpter E-MAIL:
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