Personally, coming from the DOS platform, I am used to 0xCD 0x10 for all
of my graphical useage. This is no longer DOS, this is multiuser, and
direct VGA access is not proper for this type of an operating system.
OK, now you only want the spiffy graphics at boot. What does this do for
the development of the kernel? It adds bloat, and a k-leet or whatever FC
style demo. Great. Why? This is a platform where if you want to show off,
quit using the ancient form of "oooh, lets make the OS have a pwetty
wittle shadebob and play a mod through the speaker" - if ya want a demo,
install caldera opendos, and download them from (I hear 95 is graphical - why dont you just
make your own "patches" to display a couple gifs at bootup? Oh, thats
right - your not a progammer)
Linus and the main developers are not going to go for this, and
personally, if it did, I'd find it as a designing problem worthy of taking
a look at FreeBSD.
It will not be done, so please keep this rant of anti-intellectualism to
your own self, and out of my mailing box.
Thank You,
Shawn Holwegner
P.S. On another note, I have generally discovered the general useage by
the said people above, also use X to run only xterms about 98% of the
time. Irony. Irony.