Re: Fast bootup query

Steffen Kremser (
Wed, 26 Mar 1997 10:03:49 +0100 (CET)

Subject: Re: Fast bootup query
Newsgroups: swb.lists.linux.kernel
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In article <> you wrote:
> I just read a little article in this email magazine I regularily get:
> ...........
> during the busy Christmas season. Some analysts believe that Microsoft's
> own customers have urged the company to slow the pace of its technology
> overhaul, as many corporations are only beginning now to switch over to
> Windows 95. Memphis is expected to add a speedy boot-up technology called
> "OnNow," as well as several changes aimed at making networked computers
> easier to manage. (Wall Street Journal 24 Mar 97)
> ..........

Well, "speedy boot-up" as defined by Micro$oft .. (Who believes them?)

The key feature is not (simply) another new Version of WinXX, but the new
Hardware specification "PC97" that Intel and Mico$oft have cooked up.

The OnNow feature refers to "advanced" Power Management embedded into the
(so-callled) OS. Basically, the OS saves volatile parts of its state to
some kind of permanent storage (HD or RAM) and "turning on" just resumes
this saved snapshot. That implies the computer isn't "turned off" in the
sense of "you can disconnect the power cord now" but just stops the noisy
and/or hot parts like your TV,VCR, etc do.

As a Reality Check: This suspend-resume thing comes with (practically)
every modern laptop (as a function of the APM BIOS). Even our tiny
Compaq Aero subnotebook is back into X in a few seconds.

So the new thing with PC97 is that *support* for these (and other) features
is now mandatory if you (as a Manufacturer of PC parts or systems) want a
"Wintel OK" sticker on your box...

The whole (PC-97) Scheme is designed to transform the (Wintel!) PC into
another "Customer Electronics" Product to be bought by everyone(s kids),
and to be replaced by the trendy "New" model on a yearly schedule ..

Mind you, a PC-97 compliant computer should be fine, if
- you want an Intel procesor (how about clones, PPC, Alpha, ..)
- you want a Mico$oft "OS" (linux support notwithstanding)
- you want the latest-and-greatest Hyper-3D-Card (of the month)

But I wouldn't like it to be the only option just because Wintel
have cornered the market.


PGP #4DF769B5: Steffen M. Kremser <>
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