Re: Zarked Filesystem...

Charlie Ross (
Wed, 26 Mar 1997 00:30:01 -0500 (EST)

Thanks for the help from everyone who gave me advice for my sick
root device... I grabbed a boot disk and rescue rootdisk from the
slackware3.0 distribution (my system was origionally slackware, so I feel
obligated to stick it out) And... mount AND e2fsck dont work... e2fsck
somplains about a bad magic number in the superblock, and that I hava
corrupt superblock etc... mount complains of the same thing, but in
different lingo. Heres the layout of my drives so that I can explain

ide0 ide1 aha152x
| | |
|------| |------| |------|
| | | | | |
hda hdb hdc hdd sda sdb-----|-----OTHER STUFF
| | | | | | |
hda1 hdb1 hdc1 hdd1 sda1 sdb1 sdb2
vfat ext2 vfat vfat vfat ext2 swap
200M 800M 500M 500M 1.2G 100M 100M

I hope that makes sence to everyone...

when linux boots, it says: hdb: hdb1 hdb2 hdb3 hdb4
2,3,4 are all ficticious.
fdisk shows a single partition in the partition table

It show that it is type 83 (Linux Native)

I can mount hdc1 and hdd1 as vfat.
I can mount sdb1 as ext2
I can use sdb2 for swap...
however I cannot mount hda1 as vfat, nor can I mount hdb1 as ext2....
what happened?!!?!

It looks like linux cant deal with my ide0...

Are there any IDE controller diagnostics that I can use that WONT zark my

Win95 shows hd[acd]1 and sda1 and mounts them as c: d: e: and f:

Whats going on here?

How do I fix a corrupt superblock?
I tried the -b 8192 (I think thats the right number) and it did not work.


"God is real, unless declared integer."