Re: a.out binaries that are 66% faster than ELF

Marc Lehmann (
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 00:23:24 +0100 (MET)

>On GCC, stacks are already 4 bytes aligned, but not 8 bytes
>aligned. Just change 12 in steps of 4 to see the effect of this. I saw a
>slight (1-2%) performance increase when meeting the right alignment.
>To see how catastrophic bad stack alignment is, do:

libc-5.4.22 and up correctly round the stack to an 8-byte boundary

gcc-2.8.0 (when will it be out),
will do it almost perfectly, too, if you use -malign-double

pgcc does it already, if you specify "-malign-double -mstack-align-double"


for a pentium-optimizing gcc, look at

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The choice of a GNU generation